
Diedere's Home

Diedere's Home

The air is humid and very thin in this cave.

You have entered a Typhoon Dragon's Home. She is from the first Clutch of a Mixed Breed pair of DragonRose Dragons to Mate.

What makes her unique is that her mom is from the first Rain Dragon clutch (half Water and half Air) and her dad is from the first Night/Rainbow Butterfly clutch (it was not given a special name).

She has very odd genetics because of the mixed breeding and has eight other siblings!

As you come closer you see that Diedere is now an ADULT! Beware as she might look cute but she is very protective of her lair. And doesn't take kindly to strangers!

Diedere as an Adult

"WHAT are you doing PUNY human!!!" shouts Diedere in your head.

You stumble from the intensity of the venom in her voice that is expressed not as a question but a demand.

"WELL! I'm *Waiting*!" she demands again!

You glance about and see an exit or two near the lower end of this cavern. You mumble your apologies and quickly leave her cavern and hope that she doesn't take a bite out of you or follow you.

Dragon Name: Diedere
Gender: Female
Stage: Adult
Clutch: Typhoon #1
Parents: Cure'osity and Usassen
Breed: Typhoon Dragon
Colors: Blue and Rainbow
Food Preference: Poultry
Temperament: Overprotective/Cruel
Body Type: Water/Night
Adopted: February 16, 2002
Hatched: March 3, 2002

DragonRose Dragon Adoptions
Click on the Rose Egg above to go to DragonRose Adoptions.


Created 05/20/02
Updated 06/24/02