Nacomi's Home

Nacomi's Home

You notice a rather pale but beautiful looking fae ahead.

"WHO GOES THERE," demands the Fae.

"A....a guest of DragonRose Adoptions, " you stutter.

"Approach with caution then," says the pale & blue faery.

You quickly follow the faery as she flits away.

The green faery says, "This egg is an interesting combination. When the egg hatches, her name will be Nacomi."

"What," you ask hesitantly."makes her an interesting combination?"

Your answer is with a glare and a snort from a pale wingless fae that steps out from behind the nest.

"Nacomi's parents are two of the most obnoxious dragons in all of DragonRose. So, their bonding was an oddity in itself. Nacomi is a Fire Storm Dragon. Her mother is a Fire Opal and her father is a Typhoon," he says.

You stare at the nest as it is made of a teal flame but it completely empty. You also notice that the fae are completely white in their skin coloration. Then you feel something breathing hot and heavy on your neck. You turn around slowly to see Nacomi licking her lips.

Nacomi as a Hatchling

Dragon Name: Nacomi
Gender: female
Stage: egg
Clutch: #1
Parents: Silkie and Roh'byn
Breed: Fire Storm
Colors: Blue and Rainbow
Food Preference: Meat
Temperament: Rash and Uncontrolled
Body Type: Water
Adopted:April 2003
Hatched: August 2, 2003
Bonded: Not old enough

The blue Fae snaps her fingers to get your attention and says "Well, that's all for this cavern. It is time you moved on."

The Male Fae pushes you out of the cavern as you are somewhat reluctant to leave the Fire Storm's cavern. It doesn't seem to fit her.


DragonRose Adoptions
Click on the egg above to get your own Dragon.

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DreamCatcher Graphics

Created 04/12/03
Updated 11/01/03