Aset's DragonRose Nursery

Aset's DragonRose Nursery Two

You enter expecting the old ruins and a mystical place. Instead you find leaves and trees everywhere. You look around and see a green faery on the ground.

"Greetings, Stranger," says the Fae. "Are you here to see the new eggs?"

"Yeah, sure," you say hesitantly.

"You are too late. They have hatched! But, I will guide you to the Muddy Buddies from the Second Clutch so that you do not get lost nor have irrate parents breathing down your neck," says the green faery.

You quickly follow the faery as she flits to the first hatchling.

The green faery says, "This first teenager is Asher. He is yellow/brown and is from egg #2 in the second clutch."

Asher as a Teenager

You are soon near the 2nd teenager as the Fae moves quickly.

"The second teenager is Meara. She is orange/brown and is from egg #12 in the second clutch," continues the green faery.

Meara as a Teenager

As you approach the third teenager, you notice the Fae didn't move as quickly from the second teenager.

"The third teenager is Felix. He is yellow/brown also and is from egg #14 in the second clutch," continues the green faery.

Felix as a Teenager

"Well, that's all for this cavern," says the green faery. "All the above dragons eat greenery now that they have hatched. I'm just hoping they will know that I'm not part of their food."

Dragon Names: see above
Gender: see above
Stage: Teenagers
Clutch: #2
Parents: Ly'Cra and Shau'Na
Breed: Muddy Buddy Dragon
Colors: see above
Food Preference: Greenery
Temperament: Happy and Carefree
Body Type: Day/Earth/Day (in that order)
Adopted: December 2, 2002
Hatched: February 16, 2003
Bonded: Not old enough

As you leave the cavern you say to the green faery, "Thank you for the tour and good luck."

Background photo copyrighted by Sandra May 2002


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Created 03/07/02
Updated 08/02/03