Aset's DragonRose Nursery 4

Aset's DragonRose Nursery Four

In another set of mountains you come across another dragon lair. You toss a coin to decide whether or not to enter. Several of Aset's dragons have left you gunshy for being eaten or roasted alive.

"Greetings, Stranger," says the Fae. "Are you here to see the new teenager?"

"Yeah, sure," you say hesitantly.

"I will guide you to the Morning Glory teenager that Aset adopted so that you do not get lost nor have irrate parents breathing down your neck," says the green faery.

You quickly follow the faery as she flits to the teenager.

The green faery says, "This is Sima. Her colors are white and aqua and is from egg #4 in Alwee'sha and Aviator's First Clutch. She was clutched before the Goddess had to limit the number of clutches."

Sima as a Teenager

You stare at the Teenager as its body seems to be made of clouds. The green Fae snaps her fingers to get your attention and says "Well, that's all for this cavern. It is time you moved on."

Dragon Name: Sima
Gender: female
Stage: Teenager
Clutch: #1
Parents: Alwee'sha and Aviator
Breed: Morning Glory
Colors: White and Aqua
Food Preference: Greenery
Temperament: All Knowing
Body Type: Air and Day dominate
Adopted:February 1, 2003
Hatched: February 16, 2003
Bonded: Not old enough

The Fae pushes you out of the cavern as you are still somewhat hypnotized by the Morning Glory.


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DreamCatcher Graphics
The Blue and White Background is from Dreamcatcher Graphics.

Created 02/07/03
Updated 08/02/03